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According to some rankings, fashion makes over 150 billion dollars per year. Do you want to know a curious feature about it? The famous fashion brand Louis Vuitton has a profit of 80 billion dollars. It’s more than 70%! Fashion is not only luxury, it contains different sectors that never stop surprising everyone. Luxury and Fast Fashion are two wonderful trends. The power of them is to create a new globalized idea of style, where ancient culture can be mixed with contemporary art and lifestyle. Among Luxury and Fast Fashion, there is great competition. “For us, Luxury is the most beautiful sector, but it’s strange to see how Fast Fashion Brands earn more than us. An example? Dior and Prada earned 10 billion dollars, whereas SHEIN and Zara more than 60 billion! Fast Fashion is a business that is increasing more and more.” “Not everyone knows how Fast Fashion truly strong is. In the last few years, new customers have preferred to point out quality, but with the right price quality level. This side of Fashion is the most beloved, especially because it is available to everyone. Young Generation desires the best quality but with the respect for environmental cause”.

Activists around the world judge Luxury greatly. “We all want to explain how dangerous Luxury is. Why do we say something like that?It’s easy. Recently TV and social channels have shown dreadful news. There are brands like Prada and Christian Dior that don’t respect 100% handmade and worthy products. According to some studies, a Prada or Christian Dior bag is produced for 60$, but they all are sold for 1.300 $! This is dreadful! It’s not a bad prejudice we want to do. It’s real. Talking about Fast Fashion, respects materials and the green economy. A Zara cloth can be valued at 5$ but of high quality and pure. Fast Fashion is a revolution of Style”. Fast Fashion supporters are young people or activists who desire to promote important values to set inside the Fashion World. No-gender style and green economy-based fashion are the first steps to gain attention. They feel motivated to realize their dreams and share them around the world. For Now, Europe is the best place where these values are respected. They’ve spent years to plan this program and they now hope to make it true. It’s a difficult battle, but with the proper enthusiasm, they can manage to do what they want. Will they manage, in your opinion?

Talking about Luxury supporters, the situation is different. Whereas Fast Fashion lovers give importance to the points already said, Luxury supporters prefer giving importance to the following points :

~Industrial Power ~Recruiting new Talents ~Thinking about Progress and Innovation These points are considered precious for realizing a strong empire inside the Luxury World. Luxury supporters attack with dreadful words towards Fast Fashion : “Fast Fashion? What does it is? Disgusting! Have you ever listened to how they realize products? The majority of work is under pressure from Asian kids who produce clothes without care and defences against the risk. The situation is famously bad in Bangladesh. We want to change this dreadful event. Luxury disagrees with all these ideas. How can you use a poor country?

We give importance to 100% handmade productions and respect for materials. Silk, gold and leather must be respected on to better! We promote the best quality realized by expert artisans who work with quite a few efforts. Another point we pay attention to? Emerging Talents. For us all creatives around the world are an opportunity. We work hard to find the best partners. Fast Fashion is not able to do something like that”. Anyway, the competition between luxury and Fast Fashion is really strong! And you? Do you prefer Luxury or Fast Fashion supporters? I hope these two sectors can collaborate, by creating an innovative idea of style.


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