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Model: Amy Taylor @amytaylornyc

FB:amytaylorinla I TW:amytaylor1 I PT:amytaylorla

Photographer: Ceoportrait @ceoportrait

Photographer: Yulia Nar @yulia_nar

Makeup Artist: Kim Grabow @kimgrabowmakeup

Location: Ceoportrait Headshots Nyc @ceoportrait

What made you decide to be a model?

Modeling found me; I just sort of fell into it. When I was in high school, a scout approached me at a mall. My father ensured it was real and not some creep (I suppose I was lucky that my parents looked out for me and that it was a real photographer with an agency, brands who hired him and his models to shoot, etc.). I tested, it worked out, and the rest has been history! I did some small-time runway shows, but then sadly, I didn’t keep growing and didn’t end up tall enough for editorial, so I shot lifestyle, beauty, fitness and glamour, and even some mildly sexy stuff (I’m not ashamed of my body and luckily, neither are the people I love, so I felt happy to pose for Playboy/FHM/Maxim and the like, in addition to doing fashion and fitness work). I won a pageant in my state during high school, which was fun and interesting, but I didn’t keep doing pageants as I went to college. Through undergrad and graduate school and while working since, I’ve always kept modeling. Why wouldn’t I? I love being around creative people, and if the industry will still have me, I feel lucky to still be in front of a camera.

What modeling experience do you have?

Oh, a ton. As I said, I’ve been modeling for over 30 years now. I’ve been in and on a zillion major glamour, fitness, lingerie, swimwear, fashion and beauty magazines (see my Instagram @AmyTaylorNYC or just Google me, I’ve been all over).

Who is your favorite model and why?

Cindy Crawford. She’s always been sane, calm, organized, punctual, professional, and just generally did her job without chaos or nonsense. No drugs, no ridiculous entitled behavior…just a solidly professional businesswoman, both in modeling and since, in her beauty industry ventures. I admire relatively stoic people who make the world better and get things done without causing drama…so for me, her way of navigating this industry and others she’s also been in, is a good model for a quality life. I have no patience for people who cause difficulty of any kind; I detest lateness, drug use, lying, sloppiness, temper tantrums, so much of what can be seen in this and other businesses. Life is short and beautiful; let’s just do our jobs and not be crazy, please! LOL jokes aside: it’s a life and career hack to simply be professional and reliable. Young models: You will beat 95% of the competition just by having your life and business together, because sadly, a lot of people either can’t, or just love insanity and will create it (boredom? Who knows). If you can calmly execute without causing problems to those who hire you, you will be hired again. And chaotic people will stay away. Which is what you want.

Tell us about a challenge you faced when modeling.

It’s related to what I wrote above: crazy chaotic people. Photographers who try for sex and try to harm your success if you refuse, envious colleagues who attempt to damage your brand, location issues causing issues when you arrive to set or spot), unprepared crew who make shoots less easy, you name it. The challenges are simply the same challenges in any business. Thankfully however, 99% of the time everyone does their job to get great shots, wrap and go home! Whew.

How do you prepare for a new photo shoot?

A couple of weeks out I ensure my water and vegetable intake is higher (makes for nicer skin). If it’s fitness, the night before I ensure I’m quite tan (I definitely do not do that for fashion or beauty, since the tanner can be drying). I get a ton of sleep the night before (the face looks horrid if you’re exhausted!), pack my kit (shine lotion if much skin will show, hair extensions that I know will work if the shots require them, just in case the stylist’s kit isn’t right for my hair), review the mood board and practice some poses to have appropriate-vibing shots available quickly for the photographer, confirm with all crew for the morning’s call time, and that’s about it!

What was the hardest photo shoot you've done?

Death Valley, California. 2 days of rough weather, a lot of hiking around in the elements, a lot of dirt, a rubbish hotel, no cel reception…but it yielded what are still to this day my favorite photos I’ve ever done. The light there is magical. It was worth all the effort!

Tell us about your biggest modeling accomplishment.

Oh, I suppose being on the cover of FHM in America. That market is huge, and the publicity it garnered was very helpful to my brand. I’m prouder of the photos in fashion magazines (I like the art better than just the skin stuff; it’s more interesting and creative than simply showcasing a hot chick haha), but being on a major American men’s magazine cover does more for a career than any other country or any art-house fashion magazine, even if it’s a known name. The scale is just bigger. Red-blooded American men online are useful, haha, if one wants to catapult into another level of career.

What is one professional goal you have for yourself?

To keep modeling as long as the industry will have me, and to watch those who think women over a certain age still be vibrant and sexy, seethe. Kidding, of course, but it thrills me to see humans enjoy career longevity in this industry. When I see both men and women of varied ages, races, abilities and physicality’s being regarded as “beautiful,” I see a wider world with more choices for what we humans can look at. Which is, plainly, a more interesting world. I’m here for it! Bring on all the beauty of all kinds. My goal is to continue to be a tiny part of that.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Hopefully happy! Living where I want, enjoying friends/family/my dog, healthy and traveling, staying fit and active. Basically, doing what I’m doing now. I’m sure I will, and I can’t wait. The future’s bright. Go make yours bright too, friends. Keep shining. Love y’all.


IG @AmyTaylorNYC

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